Medical advice


Individuals must be motivated to undergo hair transplant. Some surgeons conduct a formal psychological evaluation by means of lengthy questionnaires and examinations. The consultation helps ensure the patient is mature enough to decide to undergo the planned procedure. A prospective patient who has realistic motivations and expectations before the procedure is likely to be happy after the procedure. Honest and thorough pre-procedure consultation is an extremely important part of the process. 


Poor medical health is a potential contraindication for elective surgery of any kind. Individuals cannot be taking anticoagulants (eg, warfarin, aspirin) before the procedure. Good surgical judgment must be exercised when one considers surgery in individuals with potentially complicating medical conditions. Age is not a medical contraindication, as these procedures have been performed on men in their late 70. However, ensure that such patients provide medical clearance from their internist. 


Perhaps no single hair-loss condition calls for more conservatism in judgment than premature male pattern baldness. Teenagers and men in their early 20 are particularly self-conscious about hair loss because most of their peers still have full heads of hair. These young men often hold unrealistic expectations, desiring a youthful hairline that will not be appropriate as they age. Worse, early surgical correction uses a large number of donor hairs, which will be sparse in the future, potentially resulting in an unnatural look and a disappointed patient.  Breast Prosthesis


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Rhinoplasty Follow-up


Rhinoplasty methods:

Why Rhinoplasty in Iran

What is IVF or In Vitro Fertilization?

Specific steps of an in vitro fertilization (IVF) cycle carry risks,

IVF Why it’s done


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دانلود فایل : پایان نامه های ارشد فروشنده خرید و فروش سیگار الکتریکی طاقت بیار mahsan weblog مهاجرت به کشور گرجستان آسایش گستر _نصب،سرویس و تعمیر یخچال و فریزر در شیراز دیدار کلیپ بانک لینک های دانلود فیلم ، دانلود سریال و دانلود آهنگ میباشد. اینجا همه چی هست انفورماتیک پزشکی